Sunday, August 19, 2007

I wasted my who sunday watching THE SIMPLE LIFE SEASON 5...the whole season...10 episodes was great fun and laughter...nicole and paris are funny and they love to get into trouble...there were a lot of things they did that were crazy...

This season both of them became camp councillors. They help out facilitate the camp and imagine how much chaos they caused..LOL..

For example, they went camping and they went missing while exploring...they easily called 999 and the police came using the helicopter, since they were up in the mountains...All the other campers search for them and were really worried..The helicopter took them to a nearby hotel and they ate nice food while the campers ate shit and slept in nice cozy beds while the campers slept in sleeping bags. The next day, they went back up the mountain and made up a story that they were attacked by a bear. but luckily escaped...LOL....

And once, they were making a play about one of the shakespear's book...they and the other actors were bored because of the boring storyline. They changed the whole play to PARIS AND NICOLE'S organiser of the play got extremely mad...LOL..they did a lot of really stupid stuff...

But they were nice, once they went to a couple's camp. One of the couple were not able to get married because they did not have money to buy a ring. Paris help the guy choose a ring and then he proposed. Happy ending...=D

Paris also had a crushed on one of the other guy councillors. Hunter...LOL.....

Good should all watch it. Even though they may seem like bimbos but they are not, OK MAYBE of the campers, some asian girl, really spoilt, did not want to do anything and act really rich...and both of them did not like her...LOL...

Even though they may love to cause problems, they are really outgoing...Nicole ate an earthworm and Paris ate a cricket...=D

k =D, going to do SS homework!..

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