Thursday, October 11, 2007

After 5 days not coming to school i finally came today at 2pm...HAHA...i went to school to meet raof to get help in my FAVOURITE subject MATH! We went to the library and met up with aleem and izzat...ask them questions on trigo and did quite a few questions....then suddenly fatin appeared out of nowhere...ahahaha with her pink bra which is so dam obvious...she left shortly after.....we headed home at around 5ish....well, i think i did learn something studying with them...

Anyway, SUPERNATURAL SEASON 3 AND GREY'S ANATOMY SEASON 4 just started last week on thursday so today will be their second episodes for the season.....both shows are really good and i love them...i stopped watching QAF coz i cant find every episodes and even if i manage to find the picture quality is disgusting....and i cant believe it is 2 more days till RAYA...OMG! dam fast and i am not in the raya mood.....k la wateva...going off to take a shower and get ready to break fast and after that study...

P.S I just realized that it is SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER hard to get into MJC...TPJC then....HOPEFULLY I CAN MAKE IT!!

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