Saturday, January 5, 2008

I miss TEMASEK sooo much.....i miss my class, i miss taking the bus to school, i miss my teachers...
somehow i miss Ms rajah and cikgu afidah...i miss THE DEN, just slacking inside the air-conditioned room before lesson....and having the feeling that you own the room coz you are in PSL......
i juz realised that PSL has a lot of privileges, for example the air-conditioned room....we are the only student leader group that own an air-conditioned room and compared to the sports cap who dont even own a room...HAHA....
AND i hate work, i hate the politics at is as though being back in secondary
school...bitching,back-stabbing and all those shit stuff....i think it is worst than secondary school coz the worst thing the bitches can do to you is bitch about you or spread stupid rumors about you...thats all, but at work they can give you the worst schedule and the worst job and refuse to give you nice drinks and make your day so disgusting that you can practically vomit...HAHA....MALAS LA NAK LAYAN.....i have been working there for one month and i feel like i have been working there for years......

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