Saturday, April 19, 2008

i am beginning to love AKE. the people there are seriously fun and the seniors are freaking funny and the instructor is dam cute. the only thing i dont like about AKE is that, I CANT PLAY ANY PIECE FULLY.....i can only play bits and pieces of certain parts and that totally suck....but how to improve sey? come for self-prac??? mampos!!! last prac, we got the scores for SELAMAT HARI RAYA...sooo melayu..DUH...ANGKLUNG

anyway, when we were having sectionals, a few of us sneaked out to go to the stadium to see the floorball/rugby/touch rugby people train under the hot sun..feel sad for them, i used to be in their situation...SOFTBALL....none of the seniors notice a bunch of us missing, haha...thus, conclude why i still suck at playing angklung...lack of practice...RIGHT!!..concert is next week!!! fuck sia...and i am not going to Australia with the moolah!

i have loads of tutorials to hand in, especially ACCOUNTING....i juz cant understand accounting, it is super confusing....hate t-accounts...accounting is like math, you need a lot of practice...shall go popular to check out accounting books....BUT FUCK, the TM popular is renovating and the temporary store does not have everything they use to sell....HAIS...math is getting more difficult each topic...

On Thursday, i went to see the ear specialist coz the GP cant find any problem with my ear thus refer me the end they came to the conclusion, i got ear infection...which was the same as the last diagnosis...waste my time waiting...the whole check-up was 4hrs sia...

k bye

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