Wednesday, July 30, 2008

FREAKING HECTIC WEEK SIAL...assignment after assignment to hand in, file checking and tutorials. So much to do yet so little time. 24 hours is just not enough. I got only 3 hours of sleep on Monday coz i was trying to finish bloody GP essay. Tomorrow is gonna be another long day. When will this all end? i am soooo going to migrate when i am rich enough. oooya, did you know nikita migrated to hong kong. If i were to migrate, i am going to australia. but before that, i need my degree first. but now degree is sooo common must get masters. chibai. and even masters is kinda common...then get PHD. haha. DOKTOR FALSAFAH, i like the malay translation. SO cool cannx..

Do you still remember that i use to have math tuition? my math tutor was on the cover page of berita harian on saturday. she was nominated for a scholarship for PHD. DOKTOR FALFASAH..SO COOL SIAL..DOKTOR FALSAFAH..not many malay students get that sey. she is so smart. smart like fuck la and she came from a single parent family. All her siblings are smart, all got a degree in something. She is lucky to be born into a smart family. 

YAY!! I AM SO HAPPY! I AM NO MORE IN THE NAPFA FAILURE GROUP. I CAN PLAY GAMES NOW!!! yay!! we played softball juz now for PE and it was fun to relive all those memories while in temasek softball. but instead of using a bat, we used a freaking tennis pepektic canx...

Today was also a dialogue session with some SAF guy about NS and stuff like that. SO LAME LA. WE ASKED HIM WHY ARE THERE NO MALAY PILOTS AND HE SAY 'BECAUSE IN ORDER TO BE A PILOT, IT TAKES A LONGER TIME.' and the audience was like HUH? no link. CHIBAI. then we also asked about mas selamat..haha..mas oh mas mane kau? but the talk was sooo redundant la. all i learned was NS was compulsory. LAME CAN. 

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