Sunday, June 10, 2007

I JUST GOT MY LONG AWAITED NOKIA N73...woots...after like bugging them to buy me a new handphone...i got it...yay!!! BUT right...before i go to the helloshop to purchase the phone, i called the customer service..then ask them like a lot of questions..i think i took like 20mins..LOL..need to do research mah...then the operator like told me a lot...i changed my plan from like potlite(tis plan is soo dam old...and LAME) ioneplus....better...100mins outgoing, free incoming and others...but i not happy with the operator...coz, she told me my handphone condition must be perfect la..need to bring cable la(traded in my SE) in order to get the highest trade in price..BULLSHIT...i went there they just asked me for my HP and the memory card...NOTHING ELSE...make me worry for nothing...they give TOO much info until make the customer feel I WILL NEVER GET A NEW PHONE AGAIN took me like 15mins to get the hp..dam fast...then walked past starhub, soo many people coz they onli got 4-5 counter, singtel got like 14...pathetic..

Eh...i was like looking at forums about N73 until i forgot to eat breakfast and lunch...REALLY TRUE!!!...i was busy like on the internet until forget to EAT...yes forget to EAT...fatty ersian forget to eat!!!...nice storybook title..LOL...i think i should like change my handphone everyday..soo i wont eat and be as skinny like stick in no time...LOL...but after getting the hp my whole family went to mac to like miss the time you can like order anything coz parents are there..if go out with friends..feel soo sayang to use the money...

Well for those who wants to use N73 or any other N series...there are some stuff you need to know...for example, lag IF the model you bought have not been updated to the newest can either do it yourself or for those who are scared they may spoil it, go to nokia shop...i did it myself...very easy to do...and after the firmware update...the hp is like BETTER...not laggy.....FAST...


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