Saturday, June 2, 2007

i still cant post the fucking tagboard...sialan!! some1 help?!?!?! Anyway....I................STILLLLLLLLL...........WANTTTTTTTT NOKIA N73...ARH!!!!!!!!!!!.....

I feel dam dam dam dam fat....i just finish i tub of ben&jerry's york chocolate fudge...sedap sia!!! inilah yang terjadi kepada mereka yang stress kerana tidak dapat ape yang mereka mahu dan juga kerana saya gemok....AND THAT 1 TUB COST LIKE DAM EX...i bougnt 2 tubs discound if buy 2...2 for $18....the other flavour is not nice...some cherry flavour...disgusting....but the fudge is soo dam nice...saya nak beli lagi...tapi saya tidak ada duit...
saya juga mahu beli handphone la....

But right!!! my plan is a student plan!!! and if you are using a student need to add $100 more to the actual price...for example the phone cost 300...but i need to pay there a way to like continue with singtel 2 more years but NOT using student plan...just normal plan...and those that means if i change to normal plan i do not need to pay extra 100??...i soo need help in this......SOME1 HELP ME...

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