Monday, November 19, 2007

hmmmm...I cant understand why people would want to lie about going to a JC....and mind you, she was talking about temasek JC....i dont know what was her motive...i seriously cant....and guess what, that person comes from just a normal neighborhood school, i am not trying to look down on them coz i know i am not clever but common, the chances they will get there is offence... and plz do not try to lie to me about JC intake.....she thinks i am stupid.....TEMASEK JC IS A GOOD SCHOOL AND SOME SERIOUSLY CLEVER PEOPLE FIND IT HARD TO GET THERE AND SHE EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT SHE CAN GET THERE, FAT HOPE DARLING....omg omg....i cant understand why they would want to lie....plz tell me...i am sooo curious.....

If you want to lie use something more believable....we are not stupid....AND YES I AM ANGRY THAT SHE TRIED TO LIE....she did not really talk to me, she told my mom and my mom told me.....i feel like going to her and give her a slap...i dunno why i am angry...

Last thing that i would like to tell you is that she is a MINAH...MINAH NEVER EQUALS TO TEMASEK JC...

and i am not trying to say that i can get there coz i know my standard and i would be the happiest bitch if any JC would like to take me in....i will personally talk to the principal and maybe even fuck her.....i juz cant believe she expects me to believe that....i feel like telling the school she is from....but i am not that is bedok ______ secondary....go figure

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