Friday, November 9, 2007

Os are so fucking over!! over!!

listening : listen - beyonce

Os are over!! and surprisingly i have mix feelings about it....First of all, it will be a heavy load off my shoulder and secondly goodbye to temasek sec....Happy coz the exams are over but a bit sad coz i will be leaving temasek...i guess temasek has been a second home for me over the years....i dunno how to explain the feeling, so wateva..... anyway, Os are over so that means time to look for a fucking job..

After my last paper which is geog paper 1, i rushed home to get ready for 2 job interview..met up with zah and sha for the first interview. it was kinda scary, coz the place was filled with business people and we felt really out of place. Then later met up with zameer,shida,huiting, and zana to have lunch at pizza hut, waste of moolah SIAL! then went to the second interview... i got a feeling that i wont get a job, dunno why...

then after the second interview we went home, felt really tired...job hunting is not as easy as i think it motherfuckermakkaunyepukimak....slept all the way till the next afternoon...haha, catching up with sleep that i lost because of O level period!

In total i have watched 3 movies...a lot like love, i know pronounce you chuck and larry and beemovie(only watched 1/7 of the movie coz it was kinda boring).....still waiting for THE CALL and season 3 episode 6 of supernatural which the people at youtube have not uploaded yet...WAITING WAITING WAITING!


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