Thursday, May 31, 2007

kk....fuck tagboards!!! i tried cbox and hotshout...and both cant work...soo and the end of the day, fuck the tagboardssss...kk......saya mahu tukar handphone saya tetapi mereka tidak membenarkan WALAUPUN saya mahu memakai duit saya sendiri...ape sey.....saya mahu Nseries la...saya tidak begitu suka dengan sony ericsson la....kenapa mereka harus membuat hidup saya begini?? saya hanya mahu menukar handphone would cost around 100+ only....and that will come from my pocket...hais, what i want, i will never get....i am not asking much....

i wan either the N73 OR N80....ppl think i am crazy, but....i love nokia Nseries!!!! ALL OF THE HP IN THE SERIES ARE REALLY COOL...THE STYLISH AND SLEEK DESIGN JUST MAKE ME DROOL....NOKIA IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT MAKES ME DROOL OTHER THAN FOODDD...lalalalla....i wan i wan you...can you just come back to me darling...i am missing you soo much, soo much that i am willing to steal you....

i love hysteria-muse...there are two music video for the just telling the story, and the other one showing the band play-us version...i think they should combined the 2 videos...both really unique....lalala...i wan you i miss you...i feel that i have been cheating on you coz i am using sonyericsson( i did not buy it...i found it ok)...i am really sorry, nokia i miss you....lalalala....hmmm, listening to muse makes a person feels i right?...that is what i am feeling now...lalalala...

i am not crazy, if you ppl are wandering...i am just a little .!#%$!#%! Q#T!#^!! !QEAG...ya...thats the right word to use


Zai said...

Makkau Ersian, kau dah giler siotsxzz.

Anonymous said...

kesian darling you lari.

zana said...

nokia users.. BEWARE.
eh malas ah kene leave comment
gi cari tagboard lain laaa

zana said...

what: ersian MIA

Zameer Zella said...

haaha, bebek. you should have followed us to orcahrd man. gte cbox!!

Zai said...

Huh I should've followed you or Ersian? Cos I'm confused by your bebek.

Anonymous said...

BEBEK = ZAI, no one else.
& zhuliana, Blove?!