Saturday, July 14, 2007

I feel really sad...i dunno why...BUT harry potter was OK la..not the best movie ever but still worth the money..zana!! radcliffe is Sunday Magazine he said he was 168cm..LOL!!i am taller than radcliffe!!anyway, i felt that the movie is too short, when i read the book it took me 1 week to finish it and they made the movie in 2hrs?!?! a lot of really long events were cut short, i dont know how those people that never read the book can understand some part of the movie??i have to use a little of my contextual knowledge bout the book to understand a few parts sia...they should change director again......

The looong talk with zameer on friday was really good...all i can say is that i am not the only one that thinks something is wrong.....i am really tired of life and school is horrible...all i look forward to is recess and after school...when i get home, i juz finish up my homework then go to sleep, wake up next morning and the cycle begins again...i also really tired of MEAN people...WHY CANT THEY JUST FOR ONCE BE NICE?!?!...those it hurts to be nice to people...

i know that i am not the nicest bitch...but i know my boundary...there is a certain amount of MEANess that someone can is saturday, and i spent half my time sleeping...saturday is always sleeping day.....i can wake up at 12 in the afternoon then eat lunch then goes back to sleep...FUN RIGHT...i am tired of people who wants to be in the IN CROWD...get a life!!!i know i dont have one but at least i dont live in DENIAL....
k la i going back to sleep...
ciao cin caou

p.s. i got to hold Nokia N95 and it was like having orgasm..LOL...the screen is soo nice and you can use your normal ear piece from your MP3 player with the phone...

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