Tuesday, July 17, 2007

well this is going to be a weird post...juz now i was boarding the bus home,then while in the bus i saw this secondary school boy tripped on some rocks and fell down..LOL..at the traffic light!..lol!...

then i imagine myself there, will anyone help me??lol....if someone is kind enough to help, will they be able to lift me up?!?!?! coz i am fat!!!lol...i was like imagining then found this really weird incident

class 4/excellence was having PE...the boys were playing soccer and the girls +++ were playing captain's ball...while playing captain's ball we somehow found out ikhwan fell down...then like one quarter of the girls wanted to go up to the volleyball court and see and I THINK HELP, but i dont think so...i was standing there looking really shocked la...then i asked someone "why you all soo concerned, it is not the first time ikhwan fell down what!!" then someone replied BITCHYLY...."we are juz being caring"...LOL...yes!!! that person said there...what i can deduce from this incident is that...IN ORDER FOR YOU TO GET PEOPLE TO HELP YOU WHEN YOU FALL DOWN...YOU MUST BE FAMOUS AND I GUESS PRETTY/HANDSOME!!!LOL!!!

then today while waiting for the concert to start, me mabel and liwei were stuck in the crowd of temasekians coz they wont open the door to the hall until all the lower sec left....i did not realize i was standing beside THE MOTHERFUCKER...JACKLYN...5/Aspiration...then she suddenly said"can you dont stand soo close to me!!, you so sweaty and smelly somemore!!!" MOTHERFUCKERPUKINAKKENERODOKDENGANGALAYANGAMATPANJANG!!! if i knew i was standing beside that MOTHERFUCKER i would have moved away la!!! who the hell wants to be beside that MOTHERFUCKER....i did not move at all...let that MOTHEFUCKER smell my body!!! then while walking to class from lunch i met her at the corridor, i purposely bang into her...LOL...i did not turn around, but i heard the work 'FUCK'...next time I AM GOING TO BANG INTO HER SOO HARD THAT SHE WILL FLY ALL THE WAY TO AFRICA AND STAY THERE...

then later on rasul came up to me and told me to ignore what that MOTHERFUCKER said...
i hope you die MOTHERFUCKER...DIE BITCH DIE!!!!

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