Saturday, December 29, 2007

this convo with zana is soooo full of just shows how random we are....LOL.....i hate work,
every time i look at the Coffee Club sign, i feel like vomiting...and zameer is right, the place is soo malas nak layan.... but there are really nice ppl there, for example mummy...the customer left some tips for me and she took it and pass to me secretly coz i was attending to another customer at that moment.....she is like a mother....

oo ya, i found someone leaving behind 45 bucks tips....shida was there when i opened up the receipt book so i was kind enough to share it with her...i took 25 and she took 20 BUT that mother fucking lady came back later to take back the money....i think she forgot about it...if not i would have been 25 dollars richer...ahahahaha

<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
anything sms me
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
anything call me?
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
fuck u la
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
what no?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
y fuck me
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
hm no?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
such a rude girl
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
oi home no
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
remaja sekarang memang tidak bertatasusila
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
ingat aku kisah?
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sungguh rhyming
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka bersifat tidak peduli
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
awak pon begiti
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
adakah ini yang sebenarnya kita mahu untuk generasi akan datang
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
generasi yang akan meminpin singapura
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
lah lah LAH
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
generasi yang meletakkan tatasusila di tempat kedua manakala "my rights" di tempat pertama
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya tidak mahu melihat
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
generasi ini menjadi seperti tahi
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
pegi poh-dah
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
oh iyer ke?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
tahi yang berbau bacin
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sumpah tak tanye
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
bacin yang tidak boleh carry
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
bau yang menusuk hidung
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
itulah lah bau bacin
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
bacin yang tidak tentu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
menbacin tidak tentu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
itulah sikap remaja sekarang
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
membacin tidak tentu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya harap remaja sekarang bertukar
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
reality check!!!
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
menjadi remeja yang bertatasusila
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
awak pon remajer
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
remaja yang bijaksana
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
remaja yang menunjukkan sikap positif
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sayer terlalu bijaksana
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
untuk my own good
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
ini semua tidak mulhal
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
very positive whattt]
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
mulhal tu aper?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
jika kita mendidik remaja kita lebih awal
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
than mereka tidak lah boleh bersikap LAME seperti zliana
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
yang berkata pastu three
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
ini amat merepek
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
seorang yang pandai pun
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
jika tiada tatasusila
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
apa gunanya
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
memang benar
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
banyak gune
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
kiter bleh jadi dumblonde macam fatin
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
akademik amat penting
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sungguh TENTU!!
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
eh minha
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
its sudah rentu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
seorang yang pandai tetapi tidak bertatasusila
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
tidak akan di pandang
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
kerana mereka seperti tahi
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
tahi yang membacin
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sepertimak salleh daniel radcliffe
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
yer bukan?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
for ur info
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
it is not MAK
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
it is mat salleh
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
oh haha
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
MAK salleh
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sayer nak jadi mat....
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya harap
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
generasi sekarang akan berubah
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
berubah untuk menjadi tidak membacin
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
ada juga daripada mereka
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
yag nak jadi mat
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
hint hint
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
pasalnanti skin cancer bodoh
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka berpendapat mereka akan menghidapi penyakit bara kulit
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
eh, sudah tentu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
belom ada lagi pakar yang boleh menunjukkan ini benar
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
sebenarnya mereka babil
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka babil kerana mereka mahu menghidup cara mat sakkeh
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
babil tu aper bender sia
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka lupa asal usul mereka
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka tidak mahu dipanggil orang emlayu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
pasal tak ranggi
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
orang sebeginilah yang akan membuat orang melayu pupus dari dunia
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya tidak tahu apa sebabnya mereka tidak suka menjadi orang melayu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
bukankan itu asal usul mereka
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mak bapak jolok dapat kau..pas2 three
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
pasthree? four
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka mahu membuat kelakar
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sayer takc mintak jadi melayu kan
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
asal ngan kau
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka pun memberitahu bahawa mereka tidak meminta menjadi melayu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya amat terganggu dengan ini
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
kerana ia sama seperti berkata
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya tidak mintak dilahirkan
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
itu amat menyedihkan
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
eh sayer boleh ambik cine kan
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
di dalam masyarakat melayu
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
pastu saya akan digelar sebagai orang cine
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
ada dua kumpulan yang amat berbeza
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka yang dipanggil mat and minah
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
dan mereka yang pandai
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mat dan minah menjatuhkan nama melayu
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
itu COOL
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
kerana membuat benda jijik
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
per tu sia?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
yang pandai pula tidak mahu dipanggil melayu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
seperti kacang melupakan kulit
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
persoalannya ialah
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
bukan tidak mahu disamakan dengan minah dan mat
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
tetapi sebenarnya takut menghadapi dunia
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka takot dipandang rendah
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
TAKOT>>??! TAKOT?!?!?!
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
egi blah ah
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
pegi blah sua
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
jika mereka takut buatlah sesuatu
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
sesuatu yang akan menolong orang melayu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
yang pandai tidak ada inisiatif
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mentang mentang sudah pandai
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
hidung tinggi
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya tidak ada apa-apa lagi yang mahu dikatakan
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sayer aderrr.
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
ia datang daripada mulut seorang yang saya hormati
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
seorang yang saya bangga melihat
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
malangnya dia tidak berfikiran seperti saya
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
pasal saye lawa kan?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya tidak boleh mengubah fikiran orang
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
tetapi saya pasti...ada remaja di luar sana yang tidak berfikiran seperti itu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
sperti awak?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka ini lebih merepek daripada minah dan mat
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka tahu asal usul mereka
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
entah tak tahu/
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka tahu di mana mereka di lapisan masyarakat
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
di atassss sekali
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya tidah faham
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
yang bodoh itu amat bodoh
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
kesian awak.. terlalu deeeep eh?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
tetapi yang pandai pula berlagak
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya tidak boleh salahkan mereka
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
saya bangga melihat mereka terbang tinggi di langit
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
mereka berjaya
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
tetapi mereka akan melupakan asal usul mereka?
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
inilah kekurangan orang melayu
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
dua kumpulan yang amat berbeza
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
eh wtf
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
my blog haywire
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
perbezaan yang terlalu berbeza
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
dont piss me off now
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
hingga tidak tahu arah
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
eh..that is what u shud right in malay compo
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
a mature thinking
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
even though u dont agree
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
u must agree
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
don close
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
make sure u are reallt deep
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
dont close this window
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
can u copy and paste our convo
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
just now
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
to microsoft words
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
can post and evryone read haha
zliana -i think nathan should die, don't you? says:
k k k
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:
<<3r$!@n>> shida shidaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... says:

Monday, November 19, 2007

hmmmm...I cant understand why people would want to lie about going to a JC....and mind you, she was talking about temasek JC....i dont know what was her motive...i seriously cant....and guess what, that person comes from just a normal neighborhood school, i am not trying to look down on them coz i know i am not clever but common, the chances they will get there is offence... and plz do not try to lie to me about JC intake.....she thinks i am stupid.....TEMASEK JC IS A GOOD SCHOOL AND SOME SERIOUSLY CLEVER PEOPLE FIND IT HARD TO GET THERE AND SHE EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT SHE CAN GET THERE, FAT HOPE DARLING....omg omg....i cant understand why they would want to lie....plz tell me...i am sooo curious.....

If you want to lie use something more believable....we are not stupid....AND YES I AM ANGRY THAT SHE TRIED TO LIE....she did not really talk to me, she told my mom and my mom told me.....i feel like going to her and give her a slap...i dunno why i am angry...

Last thing that i would like to tell you is that she is a MINAH...MINAH NEVER EQUALS TO TEMASEK JC...

and i am not trying to say that i can get there coz i know my standard and i would be the happiest bitch if any JC would like to take me in....i will personally talk to the principal and maybe even fuck her.....i juz cant believe she expects me to believe that....i feel like telling the school she is from....but i am not that is bedok ______ secondary....go figure


OMG....Bradford Meade died!!! Claire Meade was caught and Wilhelmina Slater is such a slut....

AND working is so dam tiring...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My name in korean in Sun Dong Kim...HAHAHAHA

1. Surname : surname is the
last number in your year of birth.
- 0: Park
- 1: Kim
- 2: Shin
- 3: Choi
- 4: Song
- 5: Kang
- 6: Han
- 7: Lee
- 8: Sung
- 9: Jung

II. Middle name : is your month of
birth .
- 1: Yong
- 2: Ji
- 3: Je
- 4: Hye
- 5: Dong
- 6: Sang
- 7: Ha
- 8: Hyo
- 9: Soo
- 10: Eun
- 11: Hyun
- 12: Rae

III. Name : is your date of birth .
- 1: Hwa
- 2: Woo
- 3: Joon
- 4: Hee
- 5: Kyo
- 6: Kyung
- 7: Wook
- 8: Jin
- 9: Jae
- 10: Hoon
- 11: Ra
- 12: Bin
- 13: Sun
- 14: Ri
- 15: Soo
- 16: Rim
- 17: Ah
- 18: Ae
- 19: Neul
- 20: Mun
- 21: In
- 22: Mi
- 23: Ki
- 24: Sang
- 25: Byung
- 26: Seok
- 27: Gun
- 28: Yoo
- 29: Sup
- 30: Won
- 31: Sub


Saturday, November 10, 2007

I guess, GUESS(clothing compan) prefers mat/minah to work for them...argh...i did not get THE was such a waste of time going for the interview, i could have done something better. Anyway, i know not many people read my blog and i think it is better for me coz i am going to tell my deepest feelings...


ARHG!!! i need a job...i cant stand looking at my siblings face everyday...they juz makes me feel so irritated and i feel like slapping them...and i want my own room....i hate sharing a room!!...i want my room to be neat and tidy and with those asswipes around, i will never be tidy...and if i ask them to clean up the room, they never irritating to have younger siblings!!! they juz make ur life more disgusting and since life is a bitch to me, with them around my life is double bitchy...

anyway, i need a job badly.....i need the moolah....moolah=happiness....anyway, i read one of my primary school friend's blog and he said that he is working as a cleaner...LOL....i wander how he got that job, do they need to go for interviews?? ahahahahahahahahha.....

Grad night is in one week and i need to find something to wear...

k b.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Os are so fucking over!! over!!

listening : listen - beyonce

Os are over!! and surprisingly i have mix feelings about it....First of all, it will be a heavy load off my shoulder and secondly goodbye to temasek sec....Happy coz the exams are over but a bit sad coz i will be leaving temasek...i guess temasek has been a second home for me over the years....i dunno how to explain the feeling, so wateva..... anyway, Os are over so that means time to look for a fucking job..

After my last paper which is geog paper 1, i rushed home to get ready for 2 job interview..met up with zah and sha for the first interview. it was kinda scary, coz the place was filled with business people and we felt really out of place. Then later met up with zameer,shida,huiting, and zana to have lunch at pizza hut, waste of moolah SIAL! then went to the second interview... i got a feeling that i wont get a job, dunno why...

then after the second interview we went home, felt really tired...job hunting is not as easy as i think it motherfuckermakkaunyepukimak....slept all the way till the next afternoon...haha, catching up with sleep that i lost because of O level period!

In total i have watched 3 movies...a lot like love, i know pronounce you chuck and larry and beemovie(only watched 1/7 of the movie coz it was kinda boring).....still waiting for THE CALL and season 3 episode 6 of supernatural which the people at youtube have not uploaded yet...WAITING WAITING WAITING!


Friday, November 2, 2007

In-home donut machine

Tim Moynihan | Nov 02, 2007

In case you were wondering, there is a God.

The Dough-Nu-Matic, available via the SkyMall in-flight catalog, is a miniature version of the Krispy Kreme fryer/conveyor belt that forms and fries savory donuts.

For just US$130, you can make very small donuts at the clip of a dozen every 6 minutes. That means you can eat 120 miniature donuts every hour without leaving your home. You can make donuts in your bathroom and eat them in the shower. You can place donuts on each of your fingers, then eat them off like the magical Mr. Donut Hands. You can buy a kiddie pool, fill it with donuts, and swim in it while wearing donuts as water wings.

Dials on the side of the machine let you adjust the cooking temperature, but alas, there is no "jelly" setting. You'll need to hollow out the donuts and inject jelly into them yourself.

You'll need your own dough, and SkyMall doesn't mention whether oil is included in the package. You may need that, too, but the machine's enclosed, covered oil fryer means you won't get splattered with hot oil while you watch the donuts get ready for business....the business of shoving them into your pie-hole.

I repeat: You can now make donuts in your home and eat the living hell out of them.

copied from :

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Thursday, October 11, 2007

After 5 days not coming to school i finally came today at 2pm...HAHA...i went to school to meet raof to get help in my FAVOURITE subject MATH! We went to the library and met up with aleem and izzat...ask them questions on trigo and did quite a few questions....then suddenly fatin appeared out of nowhere...ahahaha with her pink bra which is so dam obvious...she left shortly after.....we headed home at around 5ish....well, i think i did learn something studying with them...

Anyway, SUPERNATURAL SEASON 3 AND GREY'S ANATOMY SEASON 4 just started last week on thursday so today will be their second episodes for the season.....both shows are really good and i love them...i stopped watching QAF coz i cant find every episodes and even if i manage to find the picture quality is disgusting....and i cant believe it is 2 more days till RAYA...OMG! dam fast and i am not in the raya mood.....k la wateva...going off to take a shower and get ready to break fast and after that study...

P.S I just realized that it is SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER hard to get into MJC...TPJC then....HOPEFULLY I CAN MAKE IT!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

i think i screwd up physics prelims and practically every paper that i have already sat for....i did not really study that hard for the exams and usually the night before i would cramp the whole syllabus into my head which is not a good i am not expecting good results ALTHOUGH i know that my dream is to step into MJC...LOL...fat hope i guess...people say i cant step into sad is that and they say that i have the SRJC. JJC, TPJC, IJC look...LOL...fuckfaces...i really want to get into a good JC but i cant be bothered to do anything about my life.....and i serously HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA HOW THE FUCK I AM GOING TO GO THROUGH THE MATH O LEVEL EXAMINATION...

people always ask me to blog about my life, but i dont really like to do that because what i do is practically what you do, you understand me? for example, i go out to eat and hang out and shop and watch movie AND you also do that BECAUSE WE ARE ALL TEENAGERS AND THAT IS WHAT TEENAGERS DO...RIGHT?!...

anyway i guess what really bonds my friends and i is food!! right?! food is everything, we can sit down in a cafe or restaurant and just talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk for hours...what do we talk about?! everything and anything...sometimes i feel that when i grow up, i want to set up restaurant...and have a few franchises in spore and malaysia and the whole world...HOW FUN IS THAT?! and i do not want to be like all those famous fast-food restaurant...

and BRAIN IS SUCH A !@#$%#@$##$...those who knows what i am talking

off to watch 1 or 2 more episodes and then study for geog...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The new ipod family

Well, this is the new iPod family. There is a new iPod called the iPod touch. It is the iPhone look alike. The iPod touch is essentially an iPhone without the phone and camera features. It comes in 8gb and 16gb and it is a touchscreen iPod.

Beside the iPod touch is the regular iPod,but
Apple will offer a 160GB version of the regular iPod (now known as the iPod classic), which is enough storage for 40,000 songs. It is thinner than the regular iPod and has better battery life, enough to handle 40 hours of audio.

Beside the new iPod classic is the NEW iPod nano. The iPod nano will now have video capability, though its screen is only 2 inches wide compared to the 2.5 inches wide regular iPod.

Apple is making only minor changes to its iPod shuffle line, which will come in new colors and is available now for the same price as the previous line.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

hello?..i have not update my blog since uh....last month..nothing much happen..just school and more school...anyway i am in love with the new CREATIVE ZEN...super hot hot hot....i should get one after Os....anyway i was browsing youtube for something i can laugh at..LOL...i found this video about Miss Teen USA shows a clip of one of the contestant answering a question...LOL...i dont really understand what the hell she is trying to tell say...AND 10million people already viewed the youtube clip...imagine if we are in the same place as her.....i probably just hide myself in the toilet and never come out again unless for dinner/food..must be really embarrassing...anyway, here is the vid

Miss Teen USA 2007

The NEW Creative ZEN

And How 'smart' americans

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I wasted my who sunday watching THE SIMPLE LIFE SEASON 5...the whole season...10 episodes was great fun and laughter...nicole and paris are funny and they love to get into trouble...there were a lot of things they did that were crazy...

This season both of them became camp councillors. They help out facilitate the camp and imagine how much chaos they caused..LOL..

For example, they went camping and they went missing while exploring...they easily called 999 and the police came using the helicopter, since they were up in the mountains...All the other campers search for them and were really worried..The helicopter took them to a nearby hotel and they ate nice food while the campers ate shit and slept in nice cozy beds while the campers slept in sleeping bags. The next day, they went back up the mountain and made up a story that they were attacked by a bear. but luckily escaped...LOL....

And once, they were making a play about one of the shakespear's book...they and the other actors were bored because of the boring storyline. They changed the whole play to PARIS AND NICOLE'S organiser of the play got extremely mad...LOL..they did a lot of really stupid stuff...

But they were nice, once they went to a couple's camp. One of the couple were not able to get married because they did not have money to buy a ring. Paris help the guy choose a ring and then he proposed. Happy ending...=D

Paris also had a crushed on one of the other guy councillors. Hunter...LOL.....

Good should all watch it. Even though they may seem like bimbos but they are not, OK MAYBE of the campers, some asian girl, really spoilt, did not want to do anything and act really rich...and both of them did not like her...LOL...

Even though they may love to cause problems, they are really outgoing...Nicole ate an earthworm and Paris ate a cricket...=D

k =D, going to do SS homework!..

Thursday, August 16, 2007

15th August 2007

Nokia have announced a battery recall for their BL-5C battery, used in a surprisingly broad variety of phones from the bargain basement Nokia 1100 up to the Nokia N91.

For ease of identification, the potentially impacted handsets are pictured below.

 Nokia 1100
Nokia 1100

Nokia 1100c

 Nokia 1101
Nokia 1101

Nokia 1108

 Nokia 1110
Nokia 1110

Nokia 1110i

 Nokia 1112
Nokia 1112

 Nokia 1255
Nokia 1255

 Nokia 1315
Nokia 1315

 Nokia 1600
Nokia 1600

 Nokia 2112
Nokia 2112

 Nokia 2118
Nokia 2118

 Nokia 2225
Nokia 2225

 Nokia 2272
Nokia 2272

 Nokia 2275
Nokia 2275

 Nokia 2300
Nokia 2300

Nokia 2300c

 Nokia 2310
Nokia 2310

 Nokia 2355
Nokia 2355

 Nokia 2600
Nokia 2600

 Nokia 2610
Nokia 2610

Nokia 2610b

 Nokia 2626
Nokia 2626

 Nokia 3100
Nokia 3100

 Nokia 3105
Nokia 3105

 Nokia 3120
Nokia 3120

 Nokia 3125
Nokia 3125

 Nokia 6030
Nokia 6030

 Nokia 6085
Nokia 6085

 Nokia 6086
Nokia 6086

 Nokia 6108
Nokia 6108

 Nokia 6175i
Nokia 6175i

 Nokia 6230
Nokia 6230

 Nokia 6230i
Nokia 6230i

 Nokia 6270
Nokia 6270

 Nokia 6600
Nokia 6600

 Nokia 6620
Nokia 6620

 Nokia 6630
Nokia 6630

 Nokia 6670
Nokia 6670

 Nokia 6680
Nokia 6680

 Nokia 6681
Nokia 6680

Nokia 6682

 Nokia 6820
Nokia 6280

 Nokia 6822
Nokia 6822

 Nokia 7610
Nokia 7610

 Nokia E50
Nokia E50

 Nokia E60
Nokia E60

 Nokia N70
Nokia N70

 Nokia N71
Nokia N71

 Nokia N75
Nokia N75

 Nokia N91
Nokia N91

Not pictured: Nokia 6631, Nokia 6178i Note: Colour may vay from that shown

 Nokia BL-5C If you're not certain of the model of your phone, then this is usually on a label underneath the battery. Of course, that means that you'll have to take the battery out first, and you should be able to identify the BL-5C quite easily (see the picture on the right).

As you can see, the BL-5C is a pretty common battery, but the fault only applies to 43 million (!) manufactured by Matsushita between December 2005 and November 2006. The fault applies to handsets supplied with the BL-5C during this period, but also to any replacement BL-5Cs that have been bought to replace worn-out cells.

The problem is reported to be an overheating issue. Nokia say that the fault is not dangerous and does not impact on any other type of Nokia battery.