Saturday, July 21, 2007

Motivational Camp

The three days we spent in the camp was worth every second. It was really enriching and we have learned a lot of study strategies. I hope THE FIRE to fight in me will last till forever or at least till O level. Currently i am listening to HERO-MARIAH CAREY, so i may sound a little emotional. Ramesh our trainer really opened our eyes and let us see what the hell we were doing our whole life. We have ruined it. But the PAST THOSE NOT EQUAL TO THE FUTURE!! What i need to do now is to GIVE MY 100%.

The second day was really important. Especially the crying part. They switch off the AVT's light and asked us to close our eyes. And then we imagine our parents dieing and more. It happened for 15-20mins. Most of us cried and it really somehow bonded the class more. Even though Ramesh can be a little scary but he is nice.

Some of the seniors said that the class only changed for a few weeks and then went back to our normal behavior. I hope it will last us forever. The camp also help us appreciate Temasek better. I can proudly say I LOVE TEMASEK AND I WOULD DEFINITELY MISS IT WHEN I GRADUATE!! Here are some photos of the camp and also and bedok corner.


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Clement at Bedok Corner! =D

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Clement has a new friend..see that guy beside him...LOL..and zam and zah look retarded

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Zah the Minah and me

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Renu, Zah and me

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Maxine drawing!

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Kaiden giving a speech

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Aleem giving a speech

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Ikhwan giving a speech

1 comment:

S K G Rao said...

Great Photo's as also your blog.
Kindly visit my blog and say something.
The fabric you wear I make.